New and Recent Releases
Imagined Realities — — Squid in Chains (John Oliver, electronics, Doug Schmidt, bandoneon/saxophones, François Houle, basset clarinet/loop station) — Afterday Audio 2405 — Digital Album — BANDCAMP
Imagined Realities is the second in a series of four recordings by Squid in Chains that were developed at the Canadian Music Centre Creative Residency in Vancouver, Canada over three weeks in late 2023 to January 2024. The album is the result of recording hours of intense sessions of creative exploration, then sifting through to find the gems. The album features whimsical explorations of time, timbre, repetition, and space. Attuned to the group sound, and informed by decades of practice as composers and improvising musicians, Squid in Chains takes the listener on a journey into the contemporary psyche and Zeitgeist.
“With Distilled Extractions, Emad Armoush’s quintet Rayhan has accomplished the nearly impossible: blend outer-limits exploration with the deep soul of Syrian tradition, while simultaneously making this meeting sound as natural as breathing.” — Alexander Varty
Drawing from the great tradition of Arabic songs and some original compositions, with the new album “Distilled Extractions” the ensemble “RAYHAN”, creates innovative interpretations filled with intensity, sonic colouring, thematic and far reaching improvisations. Artistically the Arabic repertoire is being disseminated through modern improvising and electronically experimental musicians creating a new model of expression for this music. All without losing the delicate beauty and authenticity of these time tested compositional masterpieces.
Drifting — Squid in Chains (John Oliver, electronics, Doug Schmidt, bandoneon/saxophones, François Houle, basset clarinet/loop station) — Afterday Audio 2404 — Digital Album — BANDCAMP
Drifting is the first of a series of four recordings by Squid in Chains that were developed at the Canadian Music Centre Creative Residency in Vancouver, Canada over three weeks in late 2023 to January 2024. The album is the result of recording hours of intense sessions of creative exploration, then sifting through to find the gems.
Meditations — François Houle — Afterday Audio 2402 — Digital Album — BANDCAMP
My first solo recording since Aerials (Drip Audio), Meditations explores the uncharted sonic territories of the basset clarinet. These improvisations and compositions represent a new chapter in my clarinetistic journey revealing a newfound melodic sense inspired by the gorgeous acoustics of the Chiesa Parrocchiale di Cabbio, near Lugano. Beautifully captured by master sound engineer Lara Persia, this music is at times intimate, drawing the listener as close to the instrument as one could imagine, and at times forceful and emotionally charged.
“When free/improv really works, something magical is takes place, something that no one can predict yet you/we know something special is going on...Magical, focused, a marvelous, well-balanced, thoughtfully executed and instantly composed trio”
François Houle & Charlotte Hug — Voci Volante — AfterdayAudio 2317 — Digital Album — BANDCAMP
— now available on all Digital Music Services —
François Houle & Benoît Delbecq — Poise — AfterdayAudio 2316 — Digital Album — BANDCAMP
“une aventure audacieuse, qui consiste à se jeter dans le geste musical avec les boussoles de l’instrument, de la culture, de l’histoire personnelle, et d’une déjà longue expérience commune (quatrième disque en duo en l’espace de 26 ans) ; avec le radar de la musicalité en horizon privilégié. ”
Working on a few new recordings to be released in the coming months:
The Secret Lives of Color — Rimouski (10072023) — Tour de bras/Circum (February 2025)
The Secret Lives of Color — Vancouver (11042022), with Alexander Hawkins, Joëlle Léandre, Kate Gentile, Hamin Honari and Gordon Grdina (release date: TBA)
The Secret Lives of Color — Berlin (11052021), with Myra Melford, Joëlle Léandre, Hamid Drake and Gordon Grdina (release date: TBA)
François Houle RECODER Quartet — The New York Session, with Gordon Grdina, Mark Helias and Gerry Hemingway (release date TBA)
Several albums were recently recorded in Europe, with the following artists. Keep an eye out for new announcements in the coming months!:
Georg Graewe • Joëlle Léandre and Mark Saunders •
New Artist Page on Spotify
I recently added a profile page on Spotify, where you can find some info on my discography, listen to complete albums, and more!